Monday, February 13, 2012

From "Ugly House Photos"

This brought a laugh from me. I'm not sure why. The picture is disgusting, but The brilliance of what was written with it...

Quote: "At least put the toilet lid down. No need to share. If you cleaned the bathroom better, you might not need the flyswatter. Just saying."
ugly dirty filthy neglected dilapidated run-down fixer-upper bathroom Houston Texas home

Do you find humor in it as well?
Or am I weird. It looks like the only thing they clean is the top of the toilet.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

From: There I Fixed It

Look what I found on "There, I Fixed It - Redneck Repairs

Making Secure Payments in Russia

Feb. 1, 2012

It’s also the only way to get air inside. Bullet-proof glass is intense.

I also found this:
I Know a Tourist Trap When I See One


I love checking out the funny things on this website!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New toilet bowl cleaner

This was a Christmas gift given to me. We did an exchange at work. It looks like a cute bath set. Made in China, sold by Walmart for $10.
 Upon further inspection as I was pulling it apart and noticed all the warning labels, I stopped, and read. Then I put it back together.
 I took many pictures at different angles in case you wish to read it.
 I also typed up what it says below.
 There are warning labels on everything except the little loofah.
Walmart will not return it for full price without the receipt or exchange it. They would only give me their mark down price of $1 and some change.

Basically, the label read:

Urinary tract?
Prolonged exposure may cause irritation?
may cause rash, redness or itching?

So, needless to say, I kept it and am so disgusted by it, that I just look at it.
Today I decided it is toilet bowl cleaner.
Judging by the ingredient labels, and the warning signs, it is a toxic chemical not to touch the human skin. I will treat it as such.

I will have clean toilet bowls with the scent of chemically produced artificial cherry scent.
I don't know if I dare even use the lotion. Any ideas on what to use it for?
Can you imagine? Chemically burning your skin with the chemical laden soap, then caressing it with more chemicals in the form of a lotion to try sooth the redness and irritation? Not a good idea.

I hope you take the time to read labels and only use products which help clean and care for your body and not ruin it. And please, no matter what, take the time also when searching for a gift for someone.

Have a Good safe day!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Just things

After the scare of why is my heart racing all the time? To finally finding out I cannot handle pseudoephedrine, no more over the counter cold medicine. It's harming me! It's as natural as I can get. Since we already had a humidifier, we went shopping at the farmer's market.
Here are the things that have helped me fight off this cold finally! (within 2 days! I've been fighting it for 8 full days and going on the very last day it feels now!) Natural wins over over-the-counter!
 I also bought a pomegranate flavored candy cane. It looks handmade doesn't it? It wasn't all that great, but I figured at least it wasn't fake machine made like the normal one I put beside to compare size.
 "Uhh-uhhhh can I eat the candy cane your holding?" (He REALLY wanted it)
 And last night my husband just decided.

Just decided he'd rather just put a book shelf right there instead of build that monstrosity of a shelf system because " It just wouldn't look nice."  Whew! I didn't want that shelving system! Can you imagine dusting all those little shelves?
After trying Windex, dish soap water, baking soda/water mixture, the best thing to remove pencil markings is just to cover them with primer, then repaint.

So now I can sleep. He's started. Maybe he'll continue down the wall and paint my bedroom next! I hope!

Have a great day!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Just because, here is a picture of my sewing stuff.
my sewing cabinet, chair, machine in white plastic cover, boxes of fabric, garbage bag of fabric/ old clothes, boxes of ribbon, etc... and the white water pitcher for my clothes iron.

All condensed and shoved in my room, and I don't think that's all of it. But it's mostly all out of the garage! It's now waiting until my sewing room is painted.

I don't know why I felt obligated to show my sewing mess to you, but I just did. So enjoy. Also, look closely at the construction mess to the right of it, the big empty fire pit box behind it, and admire the rolled up rug placed behind it coming out the left side. You might also take note at the many clothespins weighting the edge of the curtain in place so when the AC/Heater is on, the curtain doesn't flap in the breeze. This is what I look at first thing in the morning, and first thing when I get up.

And it doesn't really bring a smile to my face.

But it's part of my life right now. Someday, it will be completely different!

Friday, September 23, 2011


There is wildlife in my home.

There is a gecko and I don't know where it went. Last I saw it, it was wiggle running across my kitchen floor.

My husband WON'T get it out.

So I told him I'm never cooking again.

Maybe I won't sleep again. (IT'S IN MY HOUSE!!!!!!)
The End.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Product review:

Have you ever looked into my shower? Well, you don't have to! Never fear! Here is a picture of my shower caddie.
Filled with all kinds of delights. some with chemicals, some without.
1-Pantene Pro-V- (my husband bought this I don't use it)
2-Suave Professionals shampoo
1-Suave Clarifying shampoo
2- Dove intensive treatment conditioner samples
1- Root 66 organic conditioner treatment sample
1-homemade shampoo, conditioner and body wash set made by my husband's cousin
4 different body scrubbers -gloves, cloth, and poofs
1 shaver
1-drain plug
1-nail brush

This is a picture of my all time favorite chemical laden shampoo. It really is the absolute best stuff out there. (REALLY! I've bought all kinds!) My hair is so beautiful and clean and soft, and it doesn't coat it with crap and dry it out, and it still feels springy when you pull on it- unlike Pantene Pro-V which makes your hair so caked with crap it is dry and breaks off when you tug on a strand. This stuff is so wonderfully moisturizing and smells so wonderful, that you don't even need the conditioner! The shampoo does all the work and moisturizes your scalp (NO ITCHING!) and your hair brushes out right through with no tangles every time! and you can use it day after day for weeks without a buildup!
NEW! Suave Professionals- Almond and Shea butter shampoo.

The only stuff I own that is not chemical laden is:
This is what my mom gave me for my birthday. I don't use it that often cause I'm a lazy shower-er and I don't like to have to massage this stuff over and over into my hair to get it all over or it doesn't clean and then cause I'm so used to just shampooing, soaping up, rinsing and getting out, I always forget to condition-notice there's more conditioner? and I get so mad at myself cause I then end up ripping out my hair 5 thousand times over cause it won't brush through. Now I use it when I have time to take my time bathing. Like a Chinese bath. Other wise, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the body wash! And the Shampoo and Conditioner are WONDERFUL when you use them TOGETHER! I'm just not that coordinated to do that.

So anyways that is my product review.
2 products I love

Hope you enjoyed it!